
What is blockchain technology

Blockchain means "chain of blocks". Copies of the blockchain are stored on multiple individual computers, and each device has the right to add new information to the next block. Other computers receive a corresponding notification.

You can compare blockchain to a group of people in a meeting where employees discuss together the implementation of a common task. Each participant remembers the conversation flow, can add their word, and it will be heard by all. The vote then determines whose proposal will be implemented.

The difference between the blockchain and the meeting is that the recording of new information does not stop for a single second, and any user can take a look at the contents of each block. After the recording is done, no further editing is possible. This moment would look like a meeting where every word has consequences.

Blockchain is most commonly used for cryptocurrency payments. The block contains information about the sender’s wallet number, the paid amount and the recipient’s details. But this technology has a lot more potential.

We can imagine the use of blockchain in medicine, where you store data about every patient. If a tourist ends up in a hospital in another city, there is almost nothing to tell about him without blockchain. The situation is even more complicated if the person is unconscious.

If there is blockchain, the doctor can search for all the information about a particular person that has ever been known to medical organizations. In this way, you can choose a more correct course of treatment, or avoid unnecessary testing and any time waste.